Montessori Metal Insets

The Montessori Method of education is a fascinating and eccentric pedagogical tool developed by Italian physician Dr. Maria Montessori in 1907. 

Dr. Maria Montessori With rigorous research developed a systematic, scientific, and organized educational tool that encompasses all the needs of the Absorbent Mind

The Montessori Method of education promotes children to indulge in auto-didactic hands-on learning that facilitates holistic education. 

One of the cornerstones of the Montessori Method is sensory stimulation and sensorial development that promotes education through the Montessori Curriculum

 Language in the Montessori curriculum is considered to be the foundation of linguistic expression. 

The Montessori Method of education provides children with specifically designed materials that grow with them. 

Montessori Language Materials are tangible, interactive, and engaging apparatuses that are designed to help children understand the intricacies of verbal as well as the written language.

One such Montessori Language Material is Montessori Metal insets that help children develop skills required to perform tasks such as writing. 

If you are interested in incorporating this fascinating Montessori Material into your child’s language curriculum look no further. 

Here is everything you should know about Montessori Metal Insets to efficiently facilitate Montessori Language Activities.

What is Montessori Metal Insets?

The Montessori Method of education embraces the enhancement and development of fine motor skills before the child begins to write. 

Simple, minimal, and highly effective is the best way to describe this wonderful Montessori Language Material. 

The Montessori Metal Insets are an integral aspect of the Montessori Language curriculum that prepares children to develop the skills required for writing. 

The Montessori Metal insets are a preliminary Montessori Language Material that allows children to enhance their fine motor skills

These insets come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. This material integrates 2 sets of metal frames with metal insets that fashion a pincer grip handle or a knob. 

The students are encouraged to interact with the interest and explore new possible outcomes.

This simple Montessori Material incorporates just two components, a frame and metal insets with knobs. 

Montessori Metal Insets are often displayed on a sloping back that makes the material easily accessible to the child on a Montessori Shelf.

What do the Montessori Metal Insets include?

The Montessori Metal insets comprise two major components, the pink-colored frames, and blue metal insets. 

There are 10 pink metal frames in the set along with their corresponding blue metal insets fashioning wooden knobs.

This material integrates 2 sets of metal frames with metal insets, one set that comprises five straight-line shapes and the other five curved-line shapes. 

Here is a list of shapes that the Montessori Metal insets incorporate:

  • Square
  • Rectangle
  • Triangle
  • Trapezoid 
  • Ellipse
  • Pentagon
  • Circle
  • Oval
  • Quatrefoil
  • Curvilinear triangle

The color scheme of this alluring Montessori Language Material is in accordance with other Montessori Language materials such as Montessori Moveable Alphabets and Montessori Sandpaper letters.

What is the Purpose of Montessori Metal Insets?

The Montessori Metal insets is an exciting Preliminary Montessori Language Material that often is mistaken as a geometry apparatus. 

Although mistaken as a geometry or math material, the Montessori Metal Insets are in fact used to prepare the child for utilizing a pincer grip. 

Below is a list of purposes and aims of Montessori Metal insets:

  • Development of Fine Motor Skills
  • Introduction to the vocabulary of geometric shapes
  • Development of geometric sense
  • Mastery over small movements
  • Development of creative imagination
  • Visual Discrimination
  • Control of Error

When are Montessori Metal Insets Introduced to the child?

The Montessori Metal Insets are often incorporated into the Montessori Primary or Montessori Lower Elementary Programs. 

Ideally, the Montessori Metal Insets are introduced to the child during the first year of their lower elementary program between the ages of 3 to 6 years. 

Prior to using the Montessori Metal insets, the child should be provided with sensorial and practical materials such as Montessori sound cylinders or Montessori Geometric Cabinets.

How to present the Montessori Metal Insets:

Activities involving Montessori Metal Insets promote children to develop skills required to hold writing apparatus. 

Here is what you will need to introduce the Montessori Metal Insets to your child:

  • The Montessori Metal Insets Material
  • Montessori Metal Inset Writing Tray
  • Colored Pencils
  • Specifically designed Montessori Metal Inset Writing Paper
  • A Tray

Points of Interest:

  • Control of Error
  • Visual Discrimination
  • Pincer Grip
  • Use of Color Pencils for adding details
  • Keeping the pencil on the paper while tracing the shapes

Montessori Metal Insets Presentation:

It is important to note that while performing this activity the Montessori Metal Insets should already be placed on the workstation. 

The Montessori Metal Insets, Working Tray, Pencils, and papers should already be placed on the table. 

  • The Adult will invite the child to the Montessori Metal Inset Workstation. 
  • The Adult will then demonstrate how to use the colored pencils by tracing the bottom of the tray with their right hand and holding the tray with their left hand. 
  • The adult will trace around the metal frame by holding the pencil with a pincer grip while making sure the pencil touches all the sides of the frame. 
  • The adult will then replace the metal inset and instruct the child to observe the shape.
  • Continue the process by tracing the preceding shapes with a different colored pencil. It is important to consistently keep the pencil on the paper while tracing the shape. 
  • Once the demonstration is completed, the adult will then instruct the child to participate in the activity and trace the remainder of the shapes. 
  • Once the activity is completed the adult will instruct the child to pack the materials and place them back in their designated place.

Should you incorporate Montessori Metal insets in your child’s curriculum?

Montessori Metal Insets are specifically designed Montessori Language Materials meant for children in their primary or lower elementary stages.

This exciting Montessori Material allows your child to develop the requisite motor skills to hold a pencil and write.

But the benefits of this material are not limited to the development of fine motor skills, Montessori metal insets also help children develop an acquaintance with geometric shapes.

The Montessori Metal insets incorporate seven different stages that increase in terms of difficulty and intracity lawing a strong foundation for geometric patterns.

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