Montessori Self-Care Stations

Self-Care activities are integral for fostering values of independence, discipline, and responsibility in children.  The Montessori Method of education provides children with unique opportunities that allow them to become seekers of knowledge.  One of the cornerstones of Montessori Philosophy is practical life education that provides your child with the knowledge of day-to-day activities.  Practical Life…

Sensory Development in Children

Infants, from the moment they are born, begin to collect information about their surrounding environment with the help of their senses.  During the initial stages of development, children are heavily dependent on one or more of their senses to associate and understand the world that surrounds them.  For the initial six years of their lives,…

Montessori Counting Activities and Materials

Developing an understanding of Numbers and Counting is a requisite for comprehending complex mathematical concepts.  While most traditional educational institutions promote the development of mathematical concepts based on rote memorization, The Montessori Method of education takes a more hands-on approach.  The Montessori Method of education is a unique pedagogical tool that promotes auto-didactic education and…

Self Care in Montessori

Self Care and hygiene are amongst the most integral activities one should learn from a young age.  Although the term self-care is often associated with taking a long relaxing bath or applying trending skincare products, the term often integrates a lot more than just vanity.  Activities involving self-care and hygiene are the pathway toward establishing…

Montessori For Newborns

It is quite unconventional to associate a pedagogy with the development of infants and babies.  Most individuals are taken aback when they realize that the Principles Montessori Method of education can be applied from the moment the infant is born. The Montessori Method of education is a century-old pedagogical tool that promotes self-directed play, auto-didactic…

Long Term Benefits of Montessori Education

The Montessori Method of education is more than just a pedagogical tool, it is a lifestyle choice for most families. The Montessori Method of education provides children with unique opportunities which help them venture out of their comfort zone and broaden their horizons. Dr. Maria Montessori with rigorous research of human tendencies developed a pedagogical…

Montessori Work Mats

Upon searching for the Montessori Classroom Layout on multiple search engine sites, you might’ve stumbled across the term “Montessori Work Mats”. The Montessori Method of education allows children to become confident, self-reliant, and independent by encouraging them to perform activities involving auto-didactic education as well as self-directed play. Montessori Work Mats are a quintessential Montessori…

Montessori Toilet Training

Toilet Training is considered to be among the most notable milestones for children and their parents alike. While independently using the toilet seems to be an ordinary task for adults, for infants and toddlers independently using the toilet can be a huge step toward leading a self-reliant life. But, effectively or correctly toilet training a…

Montessori Sound Cylinders

The Montessori Method of education enhances the child’s learning experience by providing them with exciting stimuli that engage their senses. Sensorial experiences allow children to perform difficult tasks that often involve prolonged periods of focus. The Montessori Method of education provides your child with unique sensorial experiences that promote hands-on learning and auto-didactic education. There…

Montessori Play Gym

According to Dr. Maria Montessori, for the initial six years, they have an Absorbent Mind and are highly receptive to the stimuli present in their surrounding environment. Infants and toddlers pass through several stages of development known as the Sensitive Periods. It is a parent’s responsibility to provide their child with an environment that integrates…